Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pure vanity

A student of mine asked for teachers to participate in her senior project:  a photo essay about teachers' hobbies.  She explained how most of her photography focuses on inanimate objects, so she wanted to branch out into photographing people.  So she stopped by DiNunzio around 6 am one day to snap a few photos of me, including some action shots and some posed pictures.  I intentionally wore orange for a good contrast with the pool, and I love how vivid the blue of the water looks. It really is a peaceful way to start the day.  I tried to do a variety of strokes, and here are some of the highlights.  

 A few shots of butterfly made me critique my stroke.  Notice the bent wrist.  I think this is my way of avoiding the lane line.

 Gliding into the wall in breaststroke:  I like the way you can see the shape of the water moving around me in this shot, almost the way water moves around a boat.